Hardwood logs Vs Softwood logs – Premium Firewood
Softwood logs are still one of the UK’s most trusted firewood. As the price for hardwood logs has dramatically increased over the last few years, people are quite happy to invest in softwood logs. In order to know which type is the premium firewood, it is important to know the difference between the two types of log.
When deciding which type of firewood to purchase it is also important to understand the reason the firewood is being bought in the first place. Are you using the firewood to heat your whole house or the occasional campfire with family & friends?
Hardwood is often considered to be a premium firewood due to its superior qualities over softwood. Hardwood burns for much longer than softwood due to its density. They generate copious amounts of heat and do not produce a lot of smoke or sparks. Hardwood consists of many different species of trees but the most popular are oak, maple and beach.
Softwood logs grow much faster than hardwood logs which means they are a much denser wood. Softwood can usually be identified by its pine aroma. This lightweight wood is usually very easy to light.
Benefits of Hardwood logs
- Burns for much longer
- Generates more heat than softwood
- Hardwood is very dense
Disadvantages of Hardwood logs
- Due to the wood density, they take much longer to season
- Harder to light for a fire
Benefits of Softwood logs
- Easier to light
- Softwood logs do not take as long to season
- Burns fast and generates quick heat
Disadvantages of Softwood logs
- Softwood generates a lot of smoke when during burning
- They leave behind a lot of ashes and little coal
In conclusion, the main aspect that really separates these two firewoods is the density of the log. They will both generate a similar amount of heat. However, due to the density of a softwood log, you would need to buy double the amount of wood to have the wood burn for aslong as a harwood log.
If you are looking to heat your home then hardwood would be the best type of log for you to purchase, however for a camping the odd camping weekend away you may want to invest in softwood.
West Yorkshire Logs Top Tip
If you are looking to invest in some good premium firewood then make sure you are paying less for your softwood logs as oppose to your hardwood logs.
If you have any questions regarding how to get your fire started please feel free to contact us.